Monday, November 24, 2014

Dragon Age Inquisition: First Impressions

Happy Monday little bots. Hope you all stayed out of trouble this weekend. All I did last week was play about 25 hours worth of the new Bioware game Dragon Age Inquisition. I just wanted to briefly give you my thoughts, opinion, and issues that I have thus far with the game. Note I am no where near being done and playing on a console, I think I just got into act 2...this is going to be Skyrim for me all over again.

If you don’t know what the game is about well here is your synopsis:
Inquisition is the third installment of the Dragon Age series where it finally ties in the previous two games to give us a comprehensive story to this series. You play as a (human,elf, dwarf,or qunari) who is a (mage,warrior, or rouge) who attends the conclave to resolve the mage templar war/rebellion. Your Inquisitor stumbles out of the fade after an explosion wipes out the temple of Sacred Ashes, and he/she almost immediately falls unconscious with a green glowing mark on there hand. Soon after closing the main rift with your new glowing accessory the inquisition is formed to help close all the rifts and bring back peace and order to the world.

What I love:
This world is big, like Skyrim big. You can spend hours in one area completing side quests to help gain more perks for the inquisition. Every terrain is different, the dungeons are not repetitive (cough DA2) overall very beautiful to look at. It's also nice to encounter different types of enemy in different maps.

There is crafting items and upgrades allowing you to customize your inquisitor gear and your fellow companions gear as well. The combat controls for the console works well, the option to be tactful like a PC player is there but lets be honest I run and bash people without a thought.

I love the fact you can have your custom stories from the previous game imported into this game. Mind you you have to login or create an origins account and use there Dragon Age Keep website to be able to do this. But if you have never played the previous games before it is a great way to catch up on the story and make your game more customize to you. Thus far I am loving the story and all my inquisitors inner circle and counsel.

What I don’t like:
It seems every game released this year has had it's share of bugs, glitches,and unplayable options. Sadly this game is not the exception. I've encountered glitches with NPC characters where they have sunken into the ground while talking to them, magically fly across the screen to stand where they are suppose to, and of course this:

While the flailing arms and mid air is kinda funny it goes to show the games imperfections. While these glitches amusing there is one thing that I absolutely loath and I've so far have run into it twice. It is when your character is having a dialog cutscene and there is a long awkward pause in the middle of some one talking. The only fix is to skip that portion of the dialog to have it running again. The only problem with that is now may have missed something and now stuck with the speech text on the screen.

I am enjoying this game thus far and highly recommend it to anyone who love playing fantasy games. Even if you have not played the other two the Dragon Keep helps fill in the gaps. Have a great Thanksgiving little bots. I'll see you friday for my Thanksgiving bitch out time.

See you on the other side

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