Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Party Wednesday: 8 Bit Valentines

            Valentines Day is only 2 day’s way, what are you doing for your loved one?  Me, I’m doing jack shit.  No fancy dinner or going out, just being lazy and playing video games.  If you want to do something for your loved one, or plan on doing a romantic dinner in the near future why not make it a throw back style of classic video games. 


            Lighting is the one key to setting the tone for romance.  It is harder to put the moves on in a well light room than it is in a dim room.  For our romantic dinner we are going with soft red lighting scheme.  You want to go for more of a bedroom sunset feel rather than a red light district selling off prostitutes.

            Suspend from the ceiling and place along the walls 8 bit hearts and flowers.  You can easily print off a bunch of hearts and flowers, glue them on to cardboard.  The cardboard makes the images pop out more form the wall and with hang a little sturdier. 


            Moving onto the table, use a tall square table and drape this lovely fabric over it.  This particular fabric I found on Spoonflower and I find that it ties into the 8 bitness well.

            For your centerpiece have 4 bouquets of 8 bit flowers.

            For dinner I planed out a sushi dinner, that way you can share and be interactive with each other.  I found a couple of plates that fit that retro 8 bit style:



            Champagne brings out the giddiness in a woman (sometimes a man).  I found this cool champagne glasses that your have to keep together in a vase.   Instead of filling the vase with sand (like it is pictured below) why not fill it with tiny legos and bricks.

            And to eat your sushi, you can go with a traditional pair of chopsticks or find some Lego ones!

                Don’t forget to change into a nice shirt and pants.  Style it with an 8 bit tie of bow tie!


Fancy up your sushi with some designer nori!

Osaka Style Sushi

Square Kiwifruit Sushi

Bubur Cha Cha



Rose Champagne

Veuve Clicquot, Vintage Rosé Brut 2004

Peach’s Cake

Sexy Night Cap aka Baton Rouge

            Yes even though you put together this wonderful meal and evening, you still need to get them a gift so they will always remember this night.

8 Bit Heart Necklace

8 Bit Watch

Fully Functional Wooden NES Controller Coffee Table (a great way to end the evening with both of you playing old games together)

            With pixilated moves like you will be putting on your lady or gentleman you are sure to score some point with them.  Like always I would love to hear from you if you have any suggestions on what I should do for the next Party Wednesday; or have pics you would like to share just send them my way.  See you Friday for some ranting or whatever. 

See you on the other side

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