Monday, June 23, 2014

Project Crunch Time

Hi little bots, sorry for not post on friday but I really didn't have much to post about on my cosplay that would fill an entire post. Last week I worked on the final mix for Team Awesome and worked on my Catbug costume for RTX. The majority of my week was spent on hand sewing covers for the outer shell of the ladybug wings. I really do need to get a sewing machine.

But this weekend I made progress on the rest of the wings, made the clear wing part and harness. I have discovered that I will need to assemble the wings in austin due to there size and me not wanting to have them go threw baggage claim. I've spent way to long on them to be broken and tossed around.

So today as I wait to hear back from Team Awesome I will be getting the back piece done so all I have to do in Austin is stick the wings threw it and tape that shit up. After that it is a matter of adding flair to the rest of the costume, I've already cut my wig and dyed my ears. With any luck I should have it done by the end of the week if that is all I have to do.

See you on the other side

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