I have been
planning out my two wonder women costumes for about 3-4 months. The very first step is to gather as many
reference photos as possible of the character/outfit you want to do. If you only have one or two photos of the
outfit, try your best in interpreting what the backside or lower half my look
like. Try drawing out a few sketches to
flush out your ideas.
Next is to make a list of what you will need
for the outfit, for example if you are doing a traditional wonder woman your
list might look something like this:
- Tiara
- Red corset
- Blue shorts
- Cuffs
- Boots
- Rope
Then turn each of these items into categories, and in each category
you will make a list of materials you will need to make that item.
From there
you go forth to your craft, fabric, and hardware stores for your
materials. Make sure you buy a little
bit extra of each item just in case you mess up or might need it for your repair
kits for the convention.
Next you
will want to make templates out of paper (or whatever) of your items to make
sure that they will fit on your body. From
there I usually break it down to what is important or biggest/time consuming
part of the outfit and do that first.
You will want to start on this no later than a month and half out from
the convention. The rest of the items
prioritize those, leaving accessories towards the end of the list (unless your character
is known for that item them you might want to put that near the top).
That is pretty
much it for prepping to make your cosplay.
It may seem simple and unnecessary, but you learn very quickly you don’t
want to be running to the craft store last minute hoping the have the material
you need to finish you costume. Also, do not leave painting last minute; you
will end up with tack paint with the possibility of it smudging and getting on
the rest of your costume.
I’m very
frazzled, have been all week, with any luck I can get my head back on strait
this weekend and rock out next week. See
you bots Monday for a weekly wrap up.
See you on
the other side
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