Friday, July 25, 2014

Bitchn' Fridays: Destiny Beta Review

Hi little bots, today I just wanted to to a brief review of the Destiny Beta now that it has launched on both systems and is available to play for anyone (no beta code required).

First off this game can be summed up in 4 words: New Phantasy Star Online. It's basicly a graphically updated version of Phantasy Star with elements of Star Wars and Borderlands mixed in. Visually the game is pretty, good music, and really feels like you are playing a MMO on the console. Playing it on both the PS4 and Xbox One there isn't a difference in visuals or game play, it all depends which controller you like using more and which console more of your friends are going to play on.

Game Play:
It's a first person MMO shooter, if you are like me and really suck at first person shooting games it's best to team up with a friend and tackle enemy’s together. In the Demo you are restricted to level 8, there was only 1 competitive multiplayer game type that I saw (the rest said restricted so I don’t know if that means you have to unlock them threw more game play or have to be a certain level), all of the story missions and free roam missions are in the same area (very repetitive game play).

Every time you enter a new area for a story mission or go back to free roam, you are dumped in the same spot with the same level 2 enemy’s looking at the same satellite tower. You go threw the same areas, new areas open up as you go threw the story line but it is still on the same map area and you repeatability go threw the same place over and over again. The enemy spawn points are supper obvious and you can predict when the enemy will re-spawn after another player has cleared that area.

As for creating your character and picking out your class and race, there isn’t that many options. You have 3 different races: Human,Exos (robot), and Awoken (blue people); and you have 3 different classes: Titian, Warlock, and Hunter.

after designing your race you come to the character creation screen where you have a limited number of faces to choose from all of which you can not alter, you can choose hair style, markings, and coloring for your character. I guess I'm a little spoiled when it comes to creating your character after playing Skyrim and Mass Effect so much that I expect to make my face look clownish if I so desire.

The thing that made me a little sad was the fact that choosing a character class really doesn’t matter. There are no perks to choosing one over another, all can wield any weapon in the game and the special attacks are the same. You have grenade type, special supper charge attack, and your bitch slap (aka melee). Yes, each class's special attacks does something a little different, but it all boils down to do you want to see your character use a golden gun or magically blast your enemy’s away when you use your charge attack.

It feels like any other competitive multiplayer, you just do it on the moon. No new wheel invention here as of yet.

Sigh, the story... it's like they expect you to know what is already going on in this world. I wish they gave your character amnesia so you can ask questions like who the hell are these blue people or the history. As of now the story telling is flater than a crepe. Hope they fix this before launch.
Graphics look good, your character looks fine in cut scenes, and load screens are pretty to look at. I didn’t see any glitches. The only down side is they will make a spawn point where the enemy comes out (say a bunker or room) black. This makes it supper obvious where your enemy is coming from.

Like I said I have no complainants about the music, it was well done and fits in with the feel of the game. The sound effects for the guns and vehicles I've heard before. Very redundant, very pew pew pitching with the fire arms, and the bike sounds like one from Star Wars. Could have used some more gack sounds with the gun when firing, to give it more of that post apocalyptic feel.

Final Thought:
It's a pretty MMO for the next gen counsels. I don’t think it will be as great as every one was hoping it to be when the full game comes out. I just don’t see this winning game of the year. There are a lot of repetitiveness in the game play, a lot of grinding that might turn off a lot of players. If you like MMOs you will like this game, If you are more of a FPS type of player unfortunately it looks like you will have to play the MMO side of the game to unlock weapons/gear and upgrade your character for multiplayer. At that point you would be better off playing Battlefield or Halo Master Chief edition.
So Destiny Beta is out for everyone to play right now. It ends on Sunday, so if you would like to try it and form your own opinion about the game, please do! I probably will play the full game when it comes out in September. For more information about the game go to Destiny the Game.

See you on the other side

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