Monday, August 25, 2014

Hauling 4 Tons and Waffles

Good Monday little bots. This past week was filled with gaming, shopping, hauling, being creeped out, and waffles. Hoping this week will be boring and I can relax a little bit before I have to deal with the Bumbershoot/Pax/Labor day crowds.

In the first half of the week I played the new expansion from Diablo 3 called Reaper of souls on the Xbox One. I finished the main story and loved it! I really liked how they added some more character development to the side characters and even your own character. I still need to play adventure mode and try out the Crusader character that they have added. This past weekend all I played was playing Diablo with my boyfriend and friends.

I took a break from playing Diablo to go shopping with my mom and to comfort her as she gets a new load of hay. The shopping aspect was fine, I love shopping with my mom, but she needs to get over her anxiety over hay delivery. She has been getting hay delivered for over 18 years now and nothing has gone wrong. Usually I just have to make sure the horses are put away and secured and hold my mothers hand when they bring the trailer up to the barn. Now the barn is up on a hill and usually the guy can make it up and just have to stack the hay. Unfortunately he couldn’t make it up the hill, my mother and I had to drag 4tons.... let me repeat that... 4 MOTHER FUCKING TONS OF HAY EACH BALE WEIGHING 100 POUNDS!

I love my mother very much but between hauling that hay and the creepy delivery guy checking me out I told her I'm never hauling hay again. And she agreed with me. I told her next time they couldn’t make it up the hill for some reason, they should park the trailer down the hill and make trips with the pickup truck until the job is done. I'm not throwing my back out and being so sore it hurts to sleep because the driver couldn’t make it up the hill.

I returned home bruised, sore, and tired. So as a result of being an out of shaped pig; I dedicated the weekend to laziness. Mostly it was for recovering my mussel from pulling 4 tons of hay that I did not stretch out before hand. So thus I played the shit out of Diablo with my man on hard difficulty. I also made waffled cinnamon rolls. They were so good! I highly recommend doing this with the pre-made dough that you buy in the supper market. The waffling make a great catcher for the icing.

This week is back to job hunting. This weekend is not only Labor day but also PAX. And while I may not be in attendance this year, I do hope to catch up with some out of town friends over dinner. See you little bots on Friday for a rant I promise I will make one.

See you on the other side

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