Friday, August 1, 2014

Bitch'n Friday: Convention Pervs

     Happy Friday little bots, hope where ever you are at it is bright and sunny day. San Diego Comic Con was last weekend; news and sneak peaks on films and TV shows were announced, New comics, and awesome cosplay. Unfortunately many instances of sexual harassment happened over the course of the weekend. Most widely talked about was the Jack Ass who thought it would be funny to stick his finger into the butt crack of Alicia Marie who was dressed as Tigra. I praise Adrianne Curry for beating the shit out of that pervert, but I wished that a male bystander could have restrained him long enough for enforcers and police to arrive. 

     It sickens me that people think that it is ok to go up to cosplayers and gorp them, shove cameras into there faces (but mostly boobs), or verbally harassing them sexually and or calling them “fake geek”. Were they not taught not to touch a stranger, ask permission, if you nothing nice to say; say nothing at all, or any etiquette what so ever? If they were not taught how to behave in a social setting, my god those parents need to be slapped. But most likely they were taught and forgot along the way and use the pathetic excuses “I'm socially awkward.” 

     Socially awkward does not give you the permission to act like a sexually predator. Just because a girl or guy is wearing a barely there costume does not mean you should touch them or take pictures just there private areas. Further more if you do touch someone without their permission or take a provocative photo, that can land your ass into jail and you will be labeled a sexual predator by the law. If you think walking up to a girl is awkward; just imagine doing that every time you move into a new neighborhood and have to introduce your self to all you new neighbors as a sexual predator.
If you find it difficult not to do these things, then you should stay home. If you still want to attend a convention where there are cosplayers and women follow these basic rules where you wont be a creeper.

  1. Always ask permission to take a picture.
    Sometimes the person is on there way to another event or eating and they don’t want their picture taken at that time. That's ok, keep an eye out for them later in the day or even ask if they are joining a group photo shoot later in the day. 

  2. When Taking a picture shoot full body or ask to take a selfie with you.
    Just boob shoots are not ok! Or butt shoots, or up-skirt shoots as well. Also if you see anyone doing these things, please report it! 

  3. Keep your hands to yourself!
    This really has to go with out saying. If you want a hug, ask permission. Same goes with putting your arm around them. Most armor is a bitch to make and put on, we do not want to be readjusting every time some one touches it. When in doubt think of it as a strip club, if you touch the strippers you are bounced out quicker than a humming bird flaps it's wings. Also the the shit will be beaten out of you.

  4. Complement them on their costume and not their body.
    You come off as a creeper if you start telling them how sexy they are over and over again. Or say they have really nice boob/butt, while you may think its a complement the person will feel uncomfortable. That is where you will be labeled as a creeper to every cosplayer, word spread like wild fire at cons.

  5. If you are going to harass some one claiming they are not geeky enough; Keep your mouth Shut!
    If you personally think they are a fake geek and are only there for attention, just shut up. You know nothing about them and should watch this informative video about “fake geek girl.”

  6. Always say thank you and leave.
    You want to thank the coplayer for allowing you to take their picture and or striking up a conversation with them. Once your business is done leave them alone, and DO NOT FOLLOW THEM AROUND. Again you become that creepy con creeper.

So if you can follow basic etiquette of keeping hands to your self and shutting up, you should be fine. If not not do not attend any convention ever. While I doubt this trend of convention creeper is going to end any time soon, us regular convention goers should keep an eye out and report or photograph anyone who breaks the rules of the convention. We are the one that can stop it, and put those in check.
If you have anything to add please leave me a comment down below. I'll see you Monday for a wrap up of my week.

See you on the other side

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