Friday, April 12, 2013

Bitchin’ Fridays: The Mom Who Hates Her Children

            Let me tell you about Isabella Dutton who wrote an article for The Daily Mail out of the UK, where she told her tale of motherhood.  Instead of it being the joys and trails of being a mom, she reflects on how it was the biggest mistake of her life.  Granted some women never plan on having kids and poof they get knock up, but this little gem of a woman did.

            Now to say that she actually wanted children in the first place, far from it, she never wanted children.  The reason why she agreed to have children was for her husband, who wants kids,
 Tony began to ask whether I was still adamant that I didn't want children. In the end I relented because I loved him and felt it would be unfair of me to deny him the chance to be a dad.”
While it is great to see a man so admit about being a father, I feel that they shouldn’t have kids together.  In the article she states that her relationship with her husband has been going strong for 37 years and that she
Did not dread the effect of the baby on our relationship.”
It is admirable that her and her husband has maintained a healthy relationship together; however I find it selfish on his behalf to widdle her down to get what he wanted.  On the other side of the coin she knew when they got married he wanted kids.  I cannot understand why you would sacrifice your happiness and desires for that of someone else. 

            You would think that Mrs. Dutton would only have one child but no.  According to her
It may seem perverse that I had a second child in view of my aversion to them, but I believe it is utterly selfish to have an only one.”
What?  This just blows my mind.  She never wanted to be a mother and when she did she had no love for her own child.  So why the hell would you want to be a mother of two? If some one could explain this to me I would very much appreciate it.

            While she may not have that motherly instinct, she did take cake of the children as a stay at home mom with out help.  She never starved (aside from the emotional end) or abusive towards the children, but she treated it like an unwanted job or task.  What really struck me in the article was her negativity towards working women who leave their children with nannies;
I cannot understand mothers who insist they want children - especially those who undergo years of fertility treatment - then race back to work at the earliest opportunity after giving birth, leaving the vital job of caring for them to strangers.”
I can tell you one thing about working moms who leave their children with a “stranger”, they actually love their children and don’t think of the as “parasites.” Yes they do work because maybe, just maybe, they don’t have the luxury to stay at home.
            I myself do not want children ever, nor does my man.  If he decides in the future that he wants kids then I am going to have to walk away from this relationship.  Yes I would still love him but I do not want to deny him what he wants nor could I be happy in the life of motherhood.  Sometimes you just have to look out for number one (yourself) in your story of life.

            Let me know what you think of Ant-Mom in the comments below. Don’t forget to read Anti-Mom’s article here:
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            See you on the other side

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