Friday, November 1, 2013

Bitch’n Friday: First Impressions on Assassins Creed 4

            Still under the weather, this pesky cold will not let up and it appears that some of my friends are experiencing the same type of cold.  My man caved and bought Assassins Creed 4 instead of waiting for the next gen versions.  I’ve watched him play threw about 6% of the game and I thought that I would give my impressions on the first few hours of the game. 

            Right off the bat you are in the Animus and playing as Edward Kenway a privateer or as we would like to call him a pirate.  There isn’t a tutorial screen, yeah! Instead you play threw the story and learn along the way.  The Animus interface is the same but you don’t really feel like you are a guy stuck in a simulation.  The story and where you can go starts out very linier, but once you have obtained the Jackdaw it becomes a more open world exploration where you feel that you can say “fuck you, I am going to go over to this island and jump in trees for an hour.”
            This world is massive.  The first time you open your map and you see the 60 islands that you can visit, your mind is blown.  The ship mechanics are vastly improved from AC3 and the over all look of the ships is impressive, probably more so on the next gen.  The first time you are in a storm, it is intense.  Not only do you have to take in account of the winds but the waves as well or you can be shipwreck and have to start over. 
            For the most part the story is great, Edward is a pirate who happened across some assassin and trouble commence.  You like Edward, he isn’t out to save the world or has the assassins or Templers on his mind, no, he is a pirate and all he wants to do is get rich fast.  Let’s face it, you bought or going to buy this game based on the fact you want to play a pirate game like Sid Meier’s pirates but updated. 
            However the story takes a major dump when you are pulled out of the Animus and into the real world of game companies.  Good news is it is in first person so you can implement yourself more easily in the real world part of the game.  The bad news is…FRENCH CANADIANS EVERYWHERE!  I love Canadians, but French Canadians from Montréal are verge on the side of douche bag.  I have lived in B.C for over a year and every native born Canadian I ran into said Canada is great but they hate Montréal French Canadians.  Aside from the French, Desmond’s crew makes an appearance and all you want to do is to go back to your office area and play as Edward for the next 30 hours!

            Overall this seems like this will be better than AC3 and will be more sandbox, which I like, than the previous games.  Personally I would wait until the next gen counsels come out so you can really see the beauty in this game.  I might do a full review on this, if you want me to write in the comments below.  Also what are your thought on the game thus far.  Come back Monday for my weekly wrap up on my life.

See you on the other side.

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