Monday, January 6, 2014

Kicking Off The New Year On A High Note

            Good day to you little bots, I see you have been busy hustling about this past week.  For me, the start of 2014 is going great.  I am being more aggressive and it is turning out well.
            To start I applied to a couple of job and bam landed my self a gig.  Mind you it is not a great paying gig but one none the less.  It is a short documentary (only 22 minutes long) and all they would like me to do is clean up the audio (not that bad of recording but the found footage is jacked up, but they are cool and know it wont be perfect) and do the final mix.  The director seems cool, the only down side is that I wont be getting it until this Friday.  Now why is this an issue? 
            Well at the end of the month I am going to be out of town, traveling to California for my grandfather's 100 birthday celebration.  Yeah, I get to travel on an airplane and my parents paid for my trip down there, double yeah!  So while I am exited about traveling and having a gig, the one week to work on it seems to be a little daunting, but do able.  22 minutes should not take more than a day or day and half to mix.  I just have to plow threw it and plan wisely.

            This week I need to go over to my mom’s house to get a couple of thing (and my hair retouched) for the trip.  Also I will be doing a couple of let’s plays on my man’s YouTube channel and having brunch with an old high school friend.  It is going to be a very busy month but I am exited and glad that my new aggressive approach to life seems to be working.
            Just today I told one of those petition pushers (you know those people on the street corners asking you to donate to children or whale or whatever) to fuck off!  Well I didn’t say fuck off to them, I saw one coming to block my path (their way of stopping you) and I yelled out to him “don’t block my way, please!”  And it worked!  He stopped dead in his tracks and went to harass another poor soul. 
            Are everyone else’s resolutions working for them?  If not hang in there, it will get better soon.  Side not with all the chaotic engagements that I have this month no Party Wednesday will be up this month.  I will do 2 party themes for February.

            See you on the other side