Friday, April 11, 2014

Bitch'n Friday: Relationship Advice

     Everyone and their mom can tell you the do's and dont's of dating and relationships.  When you are in one you don't want to hear it, especially from someone whose longest relationship only lasted less than six months.  But their are some advices that you should follow.

     This above all else is the most important in any relationship.  If something is bugging you relationship wise, talk to your partner.  Do not ever go to your friends or family (unless your partner is doing something illegal or is abusive then by all means get out, tell someone, and don't go back without a police escort) to bitch about your issues with them leaving like dirty dishes in the sink or not texting back right away.  A lot of times friends who may not particularly like your choice in a partner might lead you down a path where you will inevitably break up.
    Relationships have their up and downs, by being able to talk about issues that may come up it is easier to solve with two people than it is with outside influences voicing there opinions.  Even if your partner is closed off and doesn't like confrontation you still need to press the issue of always being there to talk about anything that has to do with the relationship or life in general. 
    I'm one of those people who prefer to keep their emotions bottled up and stew over a matter rather than talk it out, but over time my man has shown me time and time again that it is better to talk it out then let it boil up inside and have an irrational out burst.  By keeping communication open with your partner you will find that your relationship will last longer and you will find that you can communicate better in other areas in your life as well.

     If you cant trust your partner at all, then your relationship is doomed to fail.  Everyone once in a while wonders if their partner is cheating on you with someone else, or hiding money from you, but it is important to what was that again kids....COMMUNICATE!  Told you it is the most important advice to follow.  Talk to your partner about your insecurities and your feelings before you feel the need to hack into their phone or computer.  That is a very quick way for your partner to not to trust you and there starts the troubles of your relationship. 

     When I say take a break I do not mean separate from each other for a couple of months so you can go screw other people, again that is how break the trust of the other person.  What I mean is to have a little R&R time for yourself with out your partner.  This can an afternoon reading by yourself, go shopping with friends, or going for a walk around the neighborhood.  During this time you can detox yourself from the relationship, reflect upon it, or even not think about it at all.  You time is important.  When you get back from your break your relationship feels that much sweeter.

So that is my two cents to throw at you my lovely bots.  I've been with the same man for over 8 years now, and been living together for 7 of those years, yes we have had our ups and downs but we have worked threw those rough times only to make us stronger in our relationship.  I know every relationship is different, I would love to hear some your your own advice or relationship love/horror stories.  Leave them in the comments below.  I might come back to this subject again to talk about some relationship donts and stupid advice from "professionals".

See you on the other side 

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