Monday, April 7, 2014

Clean Teeth and Skype Calls

            This past week was slightly less eventful and full of meeting prep.  Last week I was recovering from the convention and making plans for two separate meetings for two different projects.  I also had to plan then around my visit to my mom’s for my dental appointment.
            Sunday evening I received an email from a composer looking to work with me on a couple of projects.  After some back and forth emailing, we agreed upon a Skype meeting for Friday night.  The following day I heard back from Team Awesome, whom I meet last week at the Show your Shorts event and they wanted to work with me for one of their shorts as a background and Foley artist.  I setup a meeting with them for Saturday at 2pm via Skype.
            So awesome I have some meetings/work coming my way and now off to mom’s house for a dental appointment and a brief R&R from the con.  When I arrived I was surprised to see my sister there, sick and with out her family.  Apparently they arrived Sunday night and were going to go camping but my sister caught a cold and so her family is staying with her husband’s parents until she is feeling better.  Quiet frankly while I was there yes she had a cold but damn, she was milking it for all it was worth. 
            Wednesday came and went as did my dental appointment, clean teeth perfect as always.  I left the following morning back to a pig sty in my apartment.  Apparently my man can function when I’m not there, so I had to clean that mess up, oh joy.
             Friday came and I prepped for my first Skype meeting with the composer.  I tried to re-watch the film he sent me on Vemio but the video was no longer up.  So I went digging on this composer and all I could find on him was his twitter page and one sound could file.  Apparently this kid is starting out and it appears this will be his first film.  Which is ok, but I don’t know this guys track record and will make me proceed with caution if I end up working with him. 
            So I hope on my computer ready to go at 5:30 for my 6 o’clock meeting.  Six came and went, no word from this guy ant even an email.  I waited around until 6:45 and said fuck it and closed out of Skype.  I sent a nice email to make another Skype call for Monday at 3pm.  Didn’t hear back for the guy until 10pm.  Apparently his girlfriend had to undergo an emergency surgery Thursday night and he was with her all of Thursday and Friday.  I’m a little skeptical, it is quiet possible his girlfriend was in the hospital and I under stand that but pretty much everyone has a smart phone and to even send a quick email at some point before our meeting would have been nice. Let’s see if he makes it to this Skype meeting.
            Saturday’s meeting went a lot better.  Ten minutes before I received the files for the film, and we started out meeting on time.  It was a quick ten minute meeting, with a hiccup due to pro tools being on.  But it went well, we both felt that we were on the same page and I have plenty of time to work on the ambience and Foley for the film.  I’m very excited to work with team Awesome and want to prove myself to them so we can collaborate on more projects together.  I’ve set myself a goal to have the ambience done and presented to them no later than Friday.  That way they have the weekend to review and make comments so I can fix what they do not like about it.
            The rest of the weekend I say Captain America movie.  It was ok, predictable and you never felt like the Captain was ever getting his butt kicked.  I also finally hung up the prints that my man and I bought at ECCC, our bedroom now has some color in it. 
            This week I’m working on the Team Awesome film and also looking for steady a steady job.  I need to be making money on at least a weekly bias, even if it is some part time work.  I will still be looking for film work but until I get some steady cliental work or working at a post house it is looking like my sound career will be on the side burner.  Not the back burner cause I’ve found if you but something their it is lost and charred forever.

            See you on the other side

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