Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Party Wednesday: Cosmos Viewing Party

            If you were a kid growing up in the 80’s or 90’s you have probably have seen the documentary series Cosmos re-running on PBS.  I loved watching this series with my dad when I was younger and brought out discussions on different theories of the universe and science in my family.  When I heard that FOX (what?) was presenting an hour long 13 episode series as a follow up to the original Cosmos; my heart was a little worried because FOX was presenting it but then I was over filled with joy that the host was going to be Neil deGrasse Tyson.  Even if this is going to be a dumb down version to appeal to a wider audience at least it will be a starting point of discussion for science.
            Now what does this have to do with a party theme?  Well for starters if you and your friends like to sit around discussing science then why not gather around the old boob tube and watch this series and have a discussion afterwards.  Regardless if it is good or bad any time you can gather with your crew to have a few drinks and talk is a good night.


            For you lighting find a star projector and have it set up to have the stars projected up on the ceiling. 

Also set up a regular DVD projector and create a looping video of images of space.
Like this for example.

For additional lighting to see your food and to place along the room, you can make these glow stick jars that you make to look like a DNA strand or these cool brick glowing light bulbs to spark imagination.

For your table, keep it simple with a black table cloth, you will have plenty of food and light decorations to cover it with.  Plate and flat wear, you can buy some online that feature different nebulas and galaxies.

Now I suspect that not every one will be able to sit on the couch.  An alternative is to create a padded and blanketed area in front of the couch for them.  You can throw down multiple rugs, blankets and pillows for their comfort.  Jazz it up with some throw blankets and pillows that have galaxies and nebulas on them. 


Rocket Dogs
Shooting Star Skewers

Astronaut Beef Stew 2 Options:
Option 1 real astronaut stew:

Option 2

Space Pops


Space In A Glass

Space Odyssey

Black Hole


            Your Friends will be enlightened by the party that you have thrown… or drunk and passed out across your living room.  Either way it will be a good party all around.  The show Cosmos: A Space Time Odyssey premiers March 9 at 9pm on FOX.
            Like always I would love to hear from you if you have any suggestions on what I should do for the next Party Wednesday; or have pics you would like to share just send them my way.  See you Friday for some ranting or whatever. 

See you on the other side

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