Friday, February 28, 2014

Bitchin’ Friday: Morning Manners

            For the past couple of weeks every time my man has woken up to get ready for work and leave the house he has woken me up and caused me to have weird sleep patterns.  Sometimes I would drift in and out of sleep state or cant fall back to sleep and thus I get up early, but most of the time I would go into one of those drift states and not wake up until 9 or 10 am.   This really sucks because I can’t fall asleep until midnight due to his snoring.  So what can someone do to make it easier on the person who is sleeping?
            For starters, turn down the noise.  By noise I mean the TV, making breakfast, and cleaning dishes.  I appreciate that you are doing dishes but those dishes you are doing are from last night and should have been dealt with last night.  I also understand you need to eat and have some forum of entertainment, but you don’t need to have the TV volume up supper high and keep banning pots to a minimal.

            On the subject of noise, if you want to have sex early in the morning, there are better way to do so than to blast your laptop speakers in the bathroom while playing a porno flick.  I am very curious as to why you would think I would want to venture down the stairs away from my warm bed to have a quickie in the shower. 

            Another thing you can do is to turn off the lights when you leave the house.  Lights keep me up, it is not hard to flip a switch or open an ipad to turn off our lights.  Also make sure you throw away your trash before you leave.  We have cats who love to play with trash. 

            It is the simple things that can keep a person from having a pleasant sleep and awakening.  So what are your pet peeves that prevent you from having a restfully morning?  Write them in the comments below and I will see you lovely bots on Monday.
            See you on the other side

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