Friday, March 22, 2013

Bitchin’ Fridays: Freelance VS. Hobbyists

            I will address my horrible behavior for not posting Wednesday’s blog.  I first want to go ahead and do my regular Friday rant, but if you just want updates and Wednesday blog update then scroll down to the last paragraph for more information.

            I was reading one of my friend’s blog a few days ago in regards to referring to one’s self as an aspiring so and so.  I agreed with the article in the use of the over used word “Aspiring” to define yourself or talents.  To expand the remaining thought on what to actually call yourself, you could simply state that you are a writer or sound designer.  But this can also lead you down a slippery slope of where you work.  Now the true question comes to mind is are you a freelancer or just a hobbyist.
             Let get the definitions out of the way. 
Freelance is a person who works as a writer, designer, performer, or the like, selling work or services by the hour, day, job, etc., rather than working on a regular salary basis for one employer.
Hobbyist is a person who pursues an activity in their spare time for pleasure
Seems pretty clear to me, but when some people start calling themselves a freelancer or  contractor to describe their job description when clearly it is more of a hobby for them it when I get irked.
            While many freelancers will have a part time job to pay the bills, the roll of their titled profession is 100% their job.  They pursue leads for gigs, continually further their education, and earn money in that profession.  I am in no way saying that Hobbyist don’t further their education or at times make a profit, but they are not persistently expanding there craft to become a business or career. 
            When I first started out the first couple of jobs I did as a sound designer we for free.  This was only to expand my portfolio and connections.  After that I started charging for money, getting more connections, and treated my title as a profession.  To me the biggest difference is how you treat your title; I approach mine as if it was a business and I maintain it as such threw linked in and my website.  Hobbyists have the passion and love for their craft but do not take it to the next level and make it a career. 
            So please, if you are only doing the craft once in a blue moon; please don’t call yourself a freelancer or contractor when you are not seriously pursuing it as a career. 

            Well I’m sure that rant will piss off some people so please leave a comment below on your thoughts.  Now on to the statement I made at the first paragraph.  I didn’t do a blog on Wednesday due to my cold.  I came down with a cold Tuesday night and on Wednesday it knocked me out.  This means I am focusing more on next Wednesday’s blog and making it great, I hope.  Spoiler it is Bioshock Infinite.  Well have a good weekend everyone’ *cough cough* *hack hack*. 

            See you on the other side

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