Friday, March 15, 2013

Bitchin’ Fridays: Maintenance

            Ever lived in an apartment where something breaks and is leaking all over your floor.  Well I have, three to be precise, and it sucks.  It is never a good time for something to break but if it does you better hope it is not on a weekend. You fill out the paper work, stating that it is an urgent emergency –for crying out loud your bathroom is becoming the local pool- and now you play the waiting game with maintenance.
            Yes it is nice to have “24 hour” maintenance but a majority of the time the will put it off until the morning.  It seems every time I would fill out a form online or in person it take almost two days until they come to my apartment.  The First time was back in my very first apartment.  I started the dish washer and got ready to go to work.  Come out 15 minutes later to find my kitchen floor was flooded and my sink backing up with water.  After shutting the dishwasher off and cleaning up the mess I called down to maintenance for a quick dishwasher fix.
            There response was sorry cant come out today you will have to wait until Monday, this happened Friday morning.  I know that I am not the only person in the complex but if I had to manually shut off the water to my entire kitchen, I would classify that as an emergency.  Regardless of the miserable weekend of not being able to clean dishes in any way they did come that Monday.
            The previous apartment that I lived in was a total shit hole when it came to quality and functionality of appliances.  From day one there was always something wrong and not working.  Furnace was never up high enough, the dishwasher could never wash dishes, water pressure was a joke, and the sink faucet would constantly drip.  All these were minor but when it piles up it is a bitch.
            Now the maintenance here was relatively quick, and would even come out that day if you put in your request that morning.  But it was how awful they were at fixing the issues.  Eventually we would have to write strict instructions for them. Like getting us a new dishwasher, because of how inapt they were. 
            Even now in my brand new remodeled apartment something broke.  The washing machine- why is it always having something to do with washing- decided to break down.  Go figure it was My man who never does the laundry that it breaks on.  Not only did a substantial amount of water leaked out but it is currently full of water that wouldn’t or couldn’t drain out.  So we have been waiting almost an entire day for maintenance to come out, according to the email we received from them that we are on the list, and still nothing.
            I truly hate having to wait for some one to come and fix the problem.  The bright side to all of this is that I don’t have to pay for some one to come out and charge me a ridicules amount of money to fix whatever.   

            See you on the other side

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