Thursday, March 28, 2013

Party Wednesday: BioShock Infinite

            I like the previous Bioshock games, but I know I am really going to dig the new game.  I love how they brought it out of the ocean and into the sky.  The story arc is going to be a wonderful mix of mystery and drama.  But enough of me gushing about the game and the beauty of it, you are here for the party theme.
            The new game is set before rapture and that whole mess.  This is the 1893 world’s fair set in the floating air-city of Columbia.  Columbia was built be the American Government and is meant to symbolize the ideas of exceptionalism.  I am going to focuses on one part of the city Battleship Bay since that area that I find to be not only whimsical but really plays with the carnival/arcade vibe.


            The setting takes place in the floating city of Columbia, to be more precise, Battleship Bay.

Yes it is a board walk, but I did not want to focus on the beach part.  Instead I wanted to look at the booths and attractions.  Being as this is set in the sky we will need clouds.  I found a great blog that describes how to make clouds out of fake snow.

For the ground I would suggest in the corners of the room some dry ice and water.  Lighting is fairly simple, bright lights and blue hues to create a sunny day.

            String up red, white, and blue banners along the walls, make it feel like the 4th of July:

Also plaster up some properganda posters.  Here is a coupe that they use in the game but of course you can make your own personal posters at any copy store.

            Toping off the décor is the tables but for this I don’t want to just have random tables place threw out the room.  Instead use or make booths.  Here is a picture of actual booths used in the 1915’s worlds fair.

Notice the arches and font for the booths-please ignore the height.  A 3 sided booth will work well and you can have it encasing your tables to hold food and drink.  Here is a site to build you own booth:

The finished product should look something like more like this:


I want to incorporate foods that you would find at fairs and what you would eat in 1912.

            Ice cream stand.  Have a variety of ice creams that you make or store bought but make your own cones. 

Fish Croquettes

Pan roasted squab

Grilled Hot Dogs with Mango Chutney and Red Onion Relish


          Cotton Candy Martinni


Songbird (aka star cocktail)

 This should get you in the mood for some sky high adventures.  If you have suggestions or pictures of your own themed party, please share and send them to me.  See you on Friday for another rant or next week.

See you on the other side

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