Friday, January 16, 2015

Bitch'n Friday: Workout Challenge Update

I'm alive little bots! I survived my outing up to crazy Capitol Hill and back in one piece.  So I said I would write a post for you today so here it is.

 I'm half way threw my 30 day squat,abs,arms,and thighs challenge and I'm feeling a difference already.  I'm not seeing any physical changes but I probably need to up my cardio to see any change really. 

In my arm's my biceps a feeling bigger and lifting things isn't as shaky.  The butt and thigh areas have not slimmed down but the mussels have gotten bigger in the inner thigh area, so if I'm to have large thighs why not be muscular instead of the fatty hams that they are.  Should start going a bit lower in the squats to really maximize the glutes area.  Now the abs no physical appearance, that nice fat layer of warmth is blocking the view.  However I'm feeling a lot stronger in my core area and it seems to be helping with my back. Now my back still hurts but I'm finding more mobility and less pain than before. 

I don't have any good before picture but I will take a picture this weekend to at least to a comparison between half way threw the challenge and after.  Are you still keeping up with your New Year resolutions or have they fallen off your radar.  If you have and tips/trick to share with me leave them in the comments below.

see you on the other side

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